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Ep 169. Unlocking Untapped Potential with Hypno-Breathwork Therapy with Corene Phelps

bold goal crusher podcast goals podcast Aug 10, 2023

Unlocking Untapped Potential with Hypno-Breathwork Therapy with Corene Phelps 


  • Welcome to the podcast! In this episode, our guest Corine shares her journey from a successful career in luxury real estate to becoming a hip-no breathwork therapist, dedicated to unlocking untapped potential. 

Segment 1: Corine's Background: 

  • Corine, a former D1 athlete, introduces herself and her passion for peak performance and personal development. 
  • She transitioned from luxury real estate to entrepreneurship, following her intuition and purpose. 
  • Her mission as a hip-no breathwork therapist is to help others harness the power of a regulated nervous system and subconsciousness for wealth, success, and freedom. 

Segment 2: Athletic Background and Career Shift: 

  • Corine talks about her athletic background as a soccer player and competitive swimmer. 
  • She realized that her real estate career wasn't aligned with her passions and desired life goals, leading her to seek a change. 

Segment 3: Finding Purpose and Overcoming Burnout: 

  • Corine shares her journey towards finding her purpose and passion for health and wellness, particularly in Pilates and nutrition coaching. 
  • After experiencing severe burnout, she discovered breathwork and hypnosis, which transformed her life. 
  • These tools helped her work with high achievers, helping them uncover their subconscious blocks and align their actions with their conscious goals. 

Segment 4: Overcoming Self-Sabotage and Achieving Bold Goals: 

  • Corine explains how self-sabotage can hinder success and offers insights on how to retrain the mind to overcome it. 
  • Awareness of negative thought patterns is the first step to making positive changes. 
  • Utilizing breathwork, hypnosis, and deep visualization can reprogram the subconscious mind for alignment with desired goals. 

Segment 5: Tapping into True Desires: 

  • For those unsure about their true desires and purpose, Corine recommends using breathwork to silence the critical faculty and uncover hidden thoughts. 
  • She suggests exploring the intersection of desired changes in the world and personal interests and talents to discover one's purpose. 


  • Thank you for joining us for this enlightening episode with Corine. To learn more about her work and hip-no breathwork therapy, check out her website and social media links in the show notes. Don't forget to subscribe and tune in for more inspiring stories and helpful insights! 


Corene is a former D1 athlete who left a successful career in luxury real estate for entrepreneurship, investing and personal development. She became obsessed with combining the power of peak performance, intuition & purpose to harness untapped potential. Her mission as a HypnoBreathwork® therapist is to help others tap into the power of a regulated nervous system & the subconscious to unlock new levels of wealth, success & freedom. 


Connect with Corene: 

Instagram @corene.phelps

Linkedin  @CorenePhelps   

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